Concept of Possibility
Something is possible because there are examples that show the possibility.
Something is considered impossible because it has no chance for the possibility
Something is impossible because there is no possibility for something to be exist. You don’t even find any examples anywhere to prove the possibility of something to be considered impossible.
So if you reject the possibility of the truth of an argument but accompanied with examples, it means that you are testing the truth of the argument without any possible example.
It’s ridiculous, it’s absurd. It’s like …
- An atheist saying: "God doesn’t exist".
- Then the theist said "this is an example of intelligent computers must has a creator as well as intelligent humans there must be a God as creator".
- Then the atheists argued incoherently "yes we already knew that computers were made, namely this and that company, it’s because we saw people on the news, but I didn’t see who made this planet".
This is so ridiculous. It’s like saying ... "I can’t believe this exists, although there is an example for the possibility"
Impossibility means asserting that there is no single example. While possibility indicates an example. "The impossibility" = "there is no example to prove the possibility"
🧩 An example indicates it is not necessarily certain, but it has possibility, so that those who refuse to consider the possibilities exemplified are ridiculous in reasoning (have been exposed to delusions in thinking)
So it's ridiculous, silly, absurd, when atheists said "this was impossible" when in fact there were examples for the possibility.
If we say "this is impossible" but there are examples that make it possible, then the impossibility can be doubted and the probability can be expected.
Do you want to emphasize that something is sweet because you have never tried it?
Do you want to emphasize that something is sweet because there aren’t even any signs that confirm it’s sweet or not?
Do you want to assert that something is true because there is no preliminary evidence to hint at its possibility.
Or do you want to assert that this is true or that it is impossible because "iiiiiieklmbm-+!s=x/ikmkuKk*k" ???
Or do you want to assert that this is true or that it is impossible because of "......." ???
Again, the refusal must be accompanied by evidence of the absence of any evidence of its possibility.
If you reject something that is possible by example, then your rejection cannot be finished (unsolved)
If I reject the concept of the truth, then certainly there is no example anywhere that proves the possibility of a concept of the truth.
🧩 If a thing is impossible, then there can't be a single example indicates a chance of a thing itself to be predicted - possible to happen
Don't get caught up in delusional thinking that will give result in being completely absurd - absolute absurdity
👉 atheist ... "is there a God?"
〰 theis ... "exist because everything has a creator
👉 atheist ... "yes that’s because I knew the creator for the robot, I knew the name of the factory, where was it located. But God? Where? I didn’t see? It just a trick
〰 how the heck, can you really predict without seeing the possibility? all attempts through reasoning involve examples (experiences) grounded in reality.
〰 reasoning is considered invalid without being based on reality
📍theist … well then, I can just say without possible examples like this "there was a dragon flying over your head, do you want a proof? here is the proof that "-m@’?--!zbian=ëaiss" 🙃 wekaweka
👉 atheist said “There is No God because ???” wew
Double, Triple Absurds
The impossibility can’t be involved. Its impossibility cannot be discussed. The impossibility cannot be held. Its impossibility could not be found somehow. Its impossibility is not a fact that causes consequences in any way.
Then how is the impossibility a possibility, whereas even though it is not possible ❓
Then how do we determine, if the possibility is impossibility ❓ Then how do we estimate, if the possibility is impossibility ❓
Then what is the answer to the question, if there is no possibility to ask anything ❓
Is there a God ❓How can this question be answered if there is no possibility ❓While the possibility spreads through experience.
- Then, do they accept not on the basis of experience ❌ 1⃣ First Absurdity
- Then, do they refuse on the basis of experience ❌ 2⃣ Double Absurdity
- Meanwhile, they accept and reject in daily life through experiences that indicate the possibility ❌ 3⃣ Triple Absurdity
Unless they accept & reject out of ignorance of the possibility. Better than absurd reasoning that was not based on possibilities as a sign of arrogance.
Because if they reject all the possibilities, then they themselves are the cause for the possibilities that they are doubting themselves. 🔴 This is called TOTAL ABSURD. DELUTIONS.
🔰 Impossibility is always impossibility, while not impossible indicates possibility
🔰 Something is possible to be true because relevant examples can be found, while something is confirmed because the truth is realized
🔰 If something is impossible, then there is no single example of the possibility that it can happen
🔰 If something is impossible, then there is no single example of the possibility that it can happen
🔰 If a concept is impossible, then there is no possibility of any concept being impossible.
Do not demand certainty in an impossible way because this is called total absurdity (TOTAL ABSURD - Absolute Absurdity)