1 min readJul 19, 2023


The concept of absurdism by Albert Camus is often misunderstood as portraying the world as chaotic, unclear, and in disarray. However, the concept of absurdism by Albert Camus should be understood as follows...

The world is (seemingly) absurd because we are trapped in a confusion that needs to be resolved in order to find meaning in life.

Albert Camus asserts that "we need this (seemingly) absurd world."

For Albert Camus, the "search for meaning and purpose in life must be carried out in the condition of an absurd existence."

  • 👉 If i were to rephrase his dialectic, it would be like this: "The search for meaning and purpose in life must be done in the condition of (seemingly) absurd existence (as a test of our maturity) so that we can discover a strong meaning in life."

SO❓Instead of believing that the world is absurd and becoming angry, protesting and indulging in despair without making an effort, we should consider the state of the world as a catalyst for our personal growth.




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