Although the boundaries are not always clear, there is a more suitable approach where open-mindedness does not necessarily mean it makes more sense to see things more clearly, but rather when something is acknowledged as true, then it is considered true, even though many may say otherwise.
It’s not that being closed-minded is deemed wrong, but rather openness still has a boundary of truth that cannot continuously remain open-minded unless it reaches the correct limit, which is not endlessly open but can lead towards a freethinker seeking justification gaps.
That’s why there’s a limit to openness that doesn’t extend to seeking justification gaps
Where for others, openness can make them convert on one side without placing faith beyond the limits except as far as learning religious knowledge better than before.
Within the boundaries of religion, which does not distance philosophy from religion or better leave behind anti-religious philosophy.
Including being open to accepting suggestions for improvement so that submission to Him is even better
That's why it's important to emphasize open-mindedness that isn't about seeking justification gaps, but rather about expanding knowledge (seeking truth).