If criticism confronts weakness or defeat without the ability to change the weak and defeated circumstances, then it is a failed criticism because there are flaws and failures within the criticism itself. THAT IS CRITICISM THAT IS WEAK AND UNBALANCED WITHIN ITSELF, but often goes unnoticed because we think we're merely demanding rights without considering responsibilities.
Unless you Criticize and Others Help Realize the Responsibility According to Your Critique, then it is called assisted criticism. Assistance for criticism.
⛳ So, how is your criticism? Assisted or allowed to fail? Perhaps you're not just criticizing, but you must also fight for your critique collectively in assisting.
Because criticizing is assisting, so how can one expect a change in something that is weak and defeated when criticism doesn't bring about change❓
UNLESS OUR OWN CRITICISM IS WEAK, A FAILURE, that is chaos - futility ❌. Both the critic and the criticized need assistance.