Liar’s Paradox — Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Now we are trying to slice Liar Paradox into parts using Sequent Dependant, a representation of gedanken experiment, so that the structure of paradox is clearly seen without being messed up
"He is telling the truth that He is lying, therefore He is not lying."
- First format with "Action" = "<>" and "Limiter" = "|"
- he <is telling> the truth
- he <is lying>
- therefore (he | <is lying>)
2. Now trying to check if we can put "Wall" = "[]" & "Property - Part of" = "{}"
- “he <is lying>" is part of "the truth" = truth {he <lie>}
- "he | <is lying>" is part of "the truth" = truth {he | <lie>} = truth {he} & truth {<lie}
- there is "he" part of "the truth" and
- there is "lie" part of the truth, and
- both "he" & "lie" inside truth creating a flow "he <lie>"
SO: He is telling the truth that He is lying, therefore He is lying
Telegram — A place for practicing gedanken experiment