7 min readAug 27, 2023


The initial goal of METAFilosophy is actually to lead our thinking process to reach the level of modular reasoning. Where we are able to break down a bundle of statements into several concise pages, then further break them down into a few succinct sentences, and then break them down again into several words that lean in a certain direction.

Now, at this point, the real action of "Meta Reasoning" begins, namely "Modular Reasoning," where the meaning of words can be broken down into multiple meanings (modules - no longer referred to as words, as they go beyond the concept of words, entering the realm of cause and effect relationships). And from these multiple meaning modules, they are broken down into even smaller sub-modules of meaning, and this continues until reaching a module of meaning in 13 dimensions. This implies that we have been able to reason with a ⚛ 13th-Dimensional reasoning model

MODULAR REASONING - 13th-Dimension

At this level, you no longer perceive the concepts of freedom; you no longer perceive the concepts of good and bad. It would be quite amusing to hear people say, 'God is good/bad' or 'we have no freedom and determinism.'

Everything dissipates, what remains is only "becoming". What remains is only "Will"

👉 Even though confirmed by spiritualists as true, the revelation through the reasoning model of 13th-dimension still takes the form of logical-rationality. It's not just wise utterances from mystical individuals that are accepted dogmatically, but can be held by our logic.


Beyond that, reason cannot go further, as it's beyond the dimension of existence. NOT EVEN THE DIMENSION OF GOD'S ESSENCE, because God's Essence is beyond dimensions, and can't be truly referred to. If we were to call it something, it would be the Reality of God's Essence, not a dimension, as dimensions depend on His Reality.

MODULAR REASONING - Differences between the Knowledge of "Mystical Experience" & "Modular Reasoning

There is a correspondence. Mystical truths must be experienced through feelings, while truths derived from modular reasoning are understood logically.

〰 🪷 Submission. The impact of realizing knowledge through feelings is the emergence of a sense of completeness in the heart. It feels close, gentle, submissive, intimate. ... there's a submission of emotions.

〰 🎯 Conviction. On the other hand, when comprehending the same mystical knowledge but being able to understand it entirely from a standpoint of reasoning - full rationality, the experienced impact is different. It's not a sense of submission, but an atmosphere of full self-assured belief. A belief that isn't half-hearted. A complete 100% unwavering belief. Not just 99.999999999.........%

✅ Both submission and conviction can provide confidence. However, when both are balanced, it becomes quite easy to communicate (translate) the truth

MODULAR REASONING - Adaptation vs. Contextualization

Broader (Relative) vs. Farthest Limit (Absolute)

Adaptation. The broader our knowledge, the better we can adapt.

However, if our knowledge doesn't just expand but reaches the recognized ultimate limit that can no longer be sought for gaps, THEN we gain not only an increased ability to flexibly adapt but also an additional aspect: the genuine willingness to be in a 'graceful acceptance' position, able to sincerely embrace defeat.

📍 Recognizing the absolute side of the relative's root enables us to embody❓Adaptation & Acceptance. CONTEXTUALLY❗️

👉 Those who adapt aren't necessarily contextual, but those who are contextual have certainly genuinely adapted❗️


🔰 Contextually, we can play with the concepts of 'freedom' & 'entwinement (determinism),' yet without confusion, because logically, we absolutely realize how to place everything in our daily lives



Here, it is important to understand the absence of mystical involvement. Therefore, discussions at the mystical level are only generally addressed from the perspective of absoluteness. Because I am not a mystic.

Forcing discussions about mystical matters would complicate my response, similar to having to respond to matters of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) or the rituals of other religions (or beliefs).

Regarding fiqh or religious rituals, specialized authority beyond my jurisdiction is needed. As for mystical matters, a mystical teacher beyond my authority is necessary. I am not a teacher, not anyone, except to the extent of a complete fool.

I am merely a voyager of truth (which cannot be interpreted as experiencing mysticism).

Myself, you, all of us are voyagers exploring in our own ways.

MODULAR REASONING - Exemplary Rating


Assessment based on

♦ Intention
♦♦ Resilience
♦♦♦ META
♦♦♦♦ Contextual
♦♦♦♦♦ Axiomatic

🔰 Intention
🔰🔥 Resilience
🔰🔥☀ META
🔰🔥☀🌀 Contextual
🔰🔥☀🌀🏆 Axiomatic


Matters of jurisprudence & mysticism already have their own communities that are widespread. However, the realm of dialectics concerning absolute truth in philosophy resides uniquely here, in METAPhilosophy.

So, specifically without mixing it with matters beyond capability, METAPhilosophy is solely focused on absolute truth. The deepening of Modular Reasoning.

The rating within META serves a primary purpose: to realize how far we are close to absolute truth. And to facilitate anyone who wishes to comprehend absolute truth, enabling them to seek guidance.

MODULAR REASONING - Mutual Assistance


Assessment based on

♦ Intention
♦♦ Resilience
♦♦♦ META
♦♦♦♦ Contextual
♦♦♦♦♦ Axiomatic

🔰 Intention
🔰🔥 Resilience
🔰🔥☀ META
🔰🔥☀🌀 Contextual
🔰🔥☀🌀🏆 Axiomatic

There are a few friends here, noted two, who have achieved a rating of 5⃣ ♦♦♦♦♦, My hope is that they endure to delve into deeper dimensions of reasoning. However, they exited after reaching 4th-dimension of modular reasoning. Perhaps felt fulfilled, as at this level, one is fully 100% capable of not just believing in Unity, but realizing the Oneness of God.

The first joined another group, while, the second, left due to a misunderstanding, thinking METAPhilosophy leaned towards religion, not being neutral, while my focus is on modular reasoning, to explore & comprehend absolute truths.

Yes, not just understanding, but also exploring. Meaning, I and all of us need each other to inspire one another. CANNOT STRUGGLE ALONE.


As explained, when reasoning reaches the 4th dimension level, one becomes capable of perceiving the Singularity of God.

Now, it's possible that our friends @DivyaRanjan1905 & @MrUniversa left because they felt they had successfully addressed the viral polemics about the God.

💢 However, there are many polemics. Not all of them need to be resolved.

👉 The problem arises if new questions persist (even though the foundational issue - "Does God exist?" - has been resolved).

For example...

〰 Alright, I'm certain that God absolutely exists, but why is God like this & that?

〰 Ok, I'm certain that God exists, but why is reality not as I expected?

✅ At this point, the GREATNESS LIES IN THE RECOGNITION OF THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH OF GODHOOD, no matter how perplexed they are, they can no longer deny the truth of God's existence. Stuck in a corner❗️Defeated soundly❗️

👉 Yet, there can still be objections. To illustrate, it's like I'm sure this drink can be consumed, but why isn't it sweet?

MODULAR REASONING - Spreading Goodness

It's ok, if, after reaching the limit of realizing the Divine, you stop at this point.

However, it should also be recognized that when reason cannot comprehend its absoluteness, then do not force debates to follow our assumptions.

It's better to leave doubtful debates beyond our capacity and LIMIT OURSELVES TO WHAT OUR ABILITY TO REASON PERMITS.

Or if you want to continue, you can further deepen modular reasoning to at least 5th-dimension.

At this point, the degree of distress due to the influence of the social media community regarding philosophical debates that have toppled many believers will be easily alleviated.




👉 NOT BECAUSE TO AVOID CONFUSION (as approaching the absolute should make things clearer), but because it's not us who force the truth, rather the truth that comes to THE SURRENDER.

🔰 Can't be opened mind? Well, that's a waste of time




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