Objective & Subjective Balance — Philosophy of Love

2 min read3 days ago


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

🎯 Relevance (What Love Is?)

Imbalance is a dysfunction that does not follow priorities, and imbalance will always move towards balance because there are limits that cannot be exceeded. At certain limits, imbalance will be dampened back towards balance because an excessive state will be subjected to a counteracting reaction that dampens it. While love is achieved through sacrifice, love itself is not a sacrifice. Thus, loving is not an effort to chase something, but rather love is an objective state of balance and a subjective state that is an achievement.

Therefore, objective balance is the result of struggle (action-reaction), while subjective balance is a feeling of comfort as a result of fulfilling various aspects in a balanced manner according to their priorities.

One form of subjective balance is providing compensation according to priority.

Thus, if you want to be loved, provide balance through fair fulfillment according to priorities, or if that is difficult, approach (maintain love) with balance through compensation efforts.

This is how to sustain love with others, by overcoming disappointment with compensation.

As for sustaining love with God, it is through surrender to Him so that God Himself provides sufficiency for us.

In short, for love to last or to grow, provide sufficiency (not satisfaction). Sufficiency is not satisfaction in a particular direction, but a balanced state that transcends ego satisfaction.

Or if it is difficult to provide sufficiency to the extent of understanding, then give compensation, balance will be achieved, and comfort will follow. The impact of balance is that the more balanced we are (physically and mentally), the more we feel comfortable, not necessarily more satisfied or cheerful, but more calm and comforting.

So the key to mastering a state full of love (being loved or loving) is how we can provide the best balance through sufficiency or dynamic balance through compensation.

💘 Those who master the art of giving the right compensation can bring about love."

