And the discussion of this dimension trains us to be careful in observing "existence" from the point of view of an ontology.
We will look at the concept of dimension from an axiom point of view.
Apart from them globally already knowing what & how to form dimensions geometrically, they still need to be seen from the axiom point of view, so that the thin boundaries can be seen.
Although the way of seeing it was different, the result will be the same in between the axiomatic concept and the general concept. That’s because the general concept was built through a valid - definite geometric system.
The difference is only in translating different geometric concepts from the concepts in the axioms
Dimensions of Reality
From the axiom point of view
Like I said, when I said "dimension" this meant the "effect" of God — The Uncaused Cause". Because God is not a dimension, but dimensions are inside God.
Divine Dimension
We recognized the concept of dimensions since we were born into the world. And the concept of dimensions was formed through the reality of life which was the "effect" (creation) of God.
Even then, it’s still in the dimension of reality, ️
Dots or Lines
📍1 Dimensional geometry = line
📍1 Dimension axioms = dot
When there was "effect" ( a thing) for the first time, then without "existence" there could be no "a thing". So the smallest was "existence".
- "Existence" as the minimal "a thing", certainly doesn’t have any attributes, so it’s the same in all directions, that’s the dot. So axiomatically "dot" more accurately represents the concept of "existence".
- But in the geometry version "dot" is considered null, empty, so that the concept of "existence in the beginning" as geometric shape after the "dot" which is a line, an absurdity
Even though the "lines" have shown differences so there will be no minimum attributes.
If you want to call “the dot” geometrically , it means it’s not a "dot" but emptiness
After all, even that "dot" actually already has a width (axioms), because a dot actually has a width the same we found on a line.
The difference is that “the dot” concept is more precise because “the dot” does not show certain characteristics. And this more characterizes the initial concept of "effect" that is "exist" (without any characteristics — previously no profile).
The concept of "dot" in geometry was considered to be the beginning of all forms.
At the axiom level, the beginning of all forms is a void, not a "dot", because even then the "dot" has a position next after the beginning, in the sense that it already has a form.
Only a matter of different concepts between axioms & geometry, but rooted in the same thing which is the "beginning" of all (before) change.