This evidence involves mapping cosmology in a distinct 360° manner.
All of it involves understanding the logical consequences of cause-and-effect relationships that are so unforgivingly relentless.
If you can't rationalize 100% of your reasoning, then this cosmology map will be hard to comprehend, as its structure is dry and unforgiving (involving reasoning of the 6th dimension).
In every dimension, there are limitations to our reasoning abilities.
This knowledge makes us aware of the differences in making considerations and hopefully enlightens us about the level at which we reason in communication with someone.
1⃣ 🧩 The first dimension is existence itself.
☃ In this state, considerations are based on habitual patterns.
2⃣ 🧩 The second dimension is change that limits perception.
♨ In this state, considerations are based on cost-benefit analysis.
- 👉 Based on the experience at that time - in real time
- 👉 If the situation is so harsh and traumatic, then the habitual pattern (dimension 1) changes.
3⃣ 🧩 The third dimension is branching change that limits perception.
⚛ In this state, one is capable of thinking in a structured way, without contemplation.
- 👉 Reasoning using syllogism
- 👉 Reasoning using symbolism, mathematics, and the like
⚛ In this state, considerations are based on future planning.
4⃣ 🧩 The fourth dimension is continuity that limits perception.
〰 In this state, one has been able to contemplate based on cause-and-effect relationships.
- 👉 In this state, only one pattern of reasoning replaces all concepts of symbolic logic and the like.
5⃣ 🧩 The fifth dimension is the ubiquity of "being" that limits our perception.
♒ In this state, we are able to see fundamental similarities.
6⃣ 🧩 The sixth dimension is the diversity of nature within the unity of "being" that limits our perception.
♓ In this state, we are able to see fundamental differences.
7⃣ 🧩 The seventh dimension is the simultaneousness of changes in "being" that limits our perception.
☯ At this point, prayer is prioritized to obtain guidance from Him to see the unseen angles.
CAUSALITY - Action-Reaction
🎖264 🧩 Jika sesuatu tidak memiliki hubungan sebab-akibat, maka sesuatu itu tidak menampakkan aksi & reaksi apapun terhadap lainnya
🧩 If a thing doesn't have a causal relationship, then it doesn't show any action & reaction to anything else
🎖265 🧩 Jika sesuatu tidak menampakkan aksi & reaksi apapun terhadap lainnya, maka sesuatu itu adalah tunggal tanpa apapun di sebelah manapun dari sesuatu itu sendiri
🧩 If a thing does not show any action & reaction to the other, then it's a singular without anything next to the thing itself
🎖266 🧩 Jika sesuatu menampakkan aksi & reaksi apapun terhadap lainnya, maka sesuatu itu tak tunggal dengan sesuatu lainnya di sebelah manapun dari sesuatu itu sendiri
🧩 If a thing exhibits any action & reaction to another, then it's not a singular and there is anything else next to a thing itself
🎖267 🧩 Jika sesuatu itu singular, maka kausalitas dari singular ada di dalam singular itu sendiri tetapi tidak di luar singularitas
🧩 If a thing is a singular, then causality of a singular exist inside a singular itself but not outside singularity
🎖268 🧩 Jika ada kausalitas, maka ada aksi & reaksi, sehingga kausalitas tersebut berada dalam ruang singularitas
🧩 If there is causality, then there is action & reaction, so that causality is in the singularity space
🎖269 🧩 Jika sesuatu tak memiliki aksi & reaksi terhadap lainnya, maka sesuatu itu singular yang merupakan KeTunggalan, sehingga kemungkinan kausalitas berada di dalam KeTunggalan itu sendiri
🧩 If a thing has no action & reaction to the other, then it's a singular which is Oneness, so the possibility of causality lies within the Oneness itself.
🎖270 🧩 Jika sesuatu diciptakan, maka sesuatu tersebut memiliki kausalitas yang menampakkan aksi & reaksi di dalam ruang KeTunggalan
🧩 If it's created, then it has causality which shows action & reaction inside the Oneness space
🎖271 🧩 Jika KeTunggalan tak ada, maka tak ada ruang bagi kausalitas yang menampakkan aksi & reaksi
🧩 If there is no Oneness, then there is no space for causality that manifests action & reaction
🎖272 🧩 Ada kausalitas berarti ada ruang bagi kausalitas yang merupakan KeTunggalan yang tak disebabkan
🧩 There is causality means there is space for causality which is the uncaused Oneness space
🎖273 🧩 Jika tak terbatas, maka bagian-bagiannya ada secara sekaligus yang berarti serempak atau ada secara tak sekaligus yang berarti bertahap tak berkesudahan
🧩 If it is infinite, then all of infinite exist simultaneously or exist gradually endlessly
🎖274 🧩 Jika tak terbatas dan keseluruhannya ada secara sekaligus, maka keseluruhannya meliputi sebagai satu bagian
🧩 If it is infinite and the whole exists all at once, then the infinite as just one thing
🎖275 🧩 Jika tak terbatas dan keseluruhannya ada secara bertahap, maka keseluruhannya ada terbentuk secara bertahap sesuai urutan sebab akibat
🧩 If it is infinite and the whole exists gradually, then the whole exists is formed gradually in the order of causality - cause and effect
CAUSALITY- Action-Reaction
🎖276 🧩 Jika tak terbatas dan keseluruhannya memiliki percabangan sebab akibat ke segala arah, maka keseluruhannya dapat ditarik ke belakang ke satu titik pusat yang merupakan Sebab Tak Berawal
🧩 If it is infinite and the whole has causal ramifications in all directions, then the whole can be pulled back to a single central point which is Uncaused Cause.
🎖277 🧩 Dua yang tak terbatas, maka satu dengan lainnya saling meliputi secara sempurna, sehingga keduanya sebenarnya hanya sebagai satu hal saja
🧩 Two infinites overlap each other perfectly, then it's just one thing